
Shoprs is an online peer-to-peer marketplace that aims to help interested shoppers connect with inbound travelers in order to deliver their desired imported products to them directly in a hassle-free way. Shoprs' vision is to streamline international online shopping for everyone so that people could enjoy their favorite products, regardless of wherever they are in the world.

About the Client

Shoprs offers a revolutionary platform that makes a rather complicated across-the-border shopping process quite simpler in a trustworthy and reliable way. Consumer products such as cosmetics, clothes or shoes, consumer electronics, gadgets, home and garden appliances, or anything you’ve had your eyes on for a long time, all you need to do is to just place your order and a traveler coming in can bring it for you in exchange for some monetary reward.


Our Role

When the Shoprs team first approached us to discuss how they're aiming towards revolutionizing the way shopping is done, we instantly liked the idea and decided to be an integral part of the next BIG THING right from the ideation to realization.

Chatbot makes a website more memorable.

Artificial Neural Networks For Image Recognition

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Solving The Multi platform Problem

Fast Facts

Hours of Design
Hours of Development
Brainstorming Hours

Some of Interfaces

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